Sunday, December 18, 2011


_DLS0936-Coyote by dschmidtphoto
_DLS0936-Coyote, a photo by dschmidtphoto on Flickr.

Taken today at Greenwood Cemetery with the new D7000, This isn't the best exposer pic but the composition and story I love. I'm not sure if I am happy with this camera being the ISO is suppose to be such a great feature to this camera and I'm not seeing it. I hope that there is a setting I am missing or something because this image was taken at 1600 ISO, F5, SS 1600 and the noise was terrible and even Topaz De-noise didn't take care of the problem as nicely as I would have liked, but I also could use some lessons in Photoshop and how to post edit better.
Thanks for looking.

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