Sunday, December 18, 2011


_DLS8285-Coyote by dschmidtphoto
_DLS8285-Coyote, a photo by dschmidtphoto on Flickr.

Also taken today with the Nikon D700, F 4.5, SS 800, Iso 2000.
I this was kinda a funny picture as nature has to take it's coarse even if you are being followed by a crazy photographer.


_DLS8287-Coyote by dschmidtphoto
_DLS8287-Coyote, a photo by dschmidtphoto on Flickr.

This Image was also taken today at Greenwood Cemetery but with my D700.
F4.5, SS 800, ISO 2000 and very little noise same lens as last pic, Nikon 500mm.


_DLS0936-Coyote by dschmidtphoto
_DLS0936-Coyote, a photo by dschmidtphoto on Flickr.

Taken today at Greenwood Cemetery with the new D7000, This isn't the best exposer pic but the composition and story I love. I'm not sure if I am happy with this camera being the ISO is suppose to be such a great feature to this camera and I'm not seeing it. I hope that there is a setting I am missing or something because this image was taken at 1600 ISO, F5, SS 1600 and the noise was terrible and even Topaz De-noise didn't take care of the problem as nicely as I would have liked, but I also could use some lessons in Photoshop and how to post edit better.
Thanks for looking.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


We had a great day shooting at Viera and Merritt Island despite the horrible weather. This is a Pied-Billed Griebe walking on water, they just crack me up.

Monday, December 5, 2011



_DLS7273-GBH-Couple by dschmidtphoto
_DLS7273-GBH-Couple, a photo by dschmidtphoto on Flickr.

The chill is in the air and nesting season has begun, this image was take at Viera December 3, 2011 Let the birding season begin.


Not the best of shots even with the 500mm this little Kestrel would not come in close enough to get a full frame pic so this is really cropped but I was happy to get the flight shot. Just another one of those challenges now to get the little bugger in flight closer.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


_DLS5533-White-Morph by dschmidtphoto
_DLS5533-White-Morph, a photo by dschmidtphoto on Flickr.

Had a wonderful Thanksgiving morning shooting at MINWR, this was one of the first pics of the morning of a Reddish Egret White Morph, which I had hoped to find today.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


_DLS5170-MINWR-Eagles by dschmidtphoto
_DLS5170-MINWR-Eagles, a photo by dschmidtphoto on Flickr.

This was the best way to start out my Birthday Day, we headed out to Merrit Island to do some shooting and this was the first thing we saw, oh I take that back we saw 2 deer but the jeep tires being so loud scared them into the woods really quick, anyways just a little bit up the road we came across this pair of Eagles posing oh so nicely and they stayed there longer than we did, so this is just one of many that I took.


Headed to Greenwood Cemetery this morning in hopes of finding the Coyote but got a late start and it was dead there today, LOL so I decided to shoot with my old D50 which I don't think will ever die and still works great so off I went in search of some reflections and color and walla this is what I ended up with.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Me fire backgd

Me fire backgd by dschmidtphoto
Me fire backgd, a photo by dschmidtphoto on Flickr.

This picture was created in photoshop using a fire brush that I created using a photo of the clouds.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Seven Mile Bridge Sunset

This Sunset picture was take at the Seven Mile Bridge on the north end by Marathon Key, this is definitely the best way to end a day taking pictures of beautiful sunsets with the man you love.

Iguana head

Iguana head by dschmidtphoto
Iguana head, a photo by dschmidtphoto on Flickr.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Camera Roll-12

Camera Roll-12 by dschmidtphoto
Camera Roll-12, a photo by dschmidtphoto on Flickr.

July 29, 2011 Key Largo, Florida. We stated off our day today with a Snorkel trip with Sun Divers snorkel tours to the John Pennekamp coral reefs, water was pretty ruff and the water wasn't as clear as normal but we did get a few underwater pics which will come a little later.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

i95 to the Florida keys Anniversary trip

i95 to the Florida keys by dschmidtphoto
i95 to the Florida keys, a photo by dschmidtphoto on Flickr.

Well here we are it is already July, I don't know where the time goes. Anyways Brian and I are on our way down to the keys for our Anniversary of 14 years, again where did the time go?
So here is the first pic of the trip taken with iPad and Played with in Snapseed. We are on I95 heading south first stop Key largo. Tonite sunset pics, in the morning of coarse sunrise pics then off for some snorkeling and yes we have a camera with the underwater housing, can't wait.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Cutest face ever

I couldn't help but stop on my bike ride to take this picture of this calf with the sun shining from behind him to me was just beautiful.

Evening Bike ride

Went for an evening bike ride thru Gimini Springs as we do usually every night now to get a little exercise and to do some wildlife shooting and this is one of my favorite spots to sit under the trees and look out over the water, tonight I thought I would experiment with some bracketed shots for an HDR and this is what I got, I think it is time to take a class on HDR, I think I could really have fun with it.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

White Egret

This picture was inspired by a picture a friend of mine did and I thought it was just so beautiful.
Thank you Kathy for the inspiration.

Do you see Ma yet?

This is one of the lil ones from this mornings shoot.  Mom and dad both had left the nest to go get breakfast we thought, but didn't bring anything back.  Mean while I am sure dad told them to stay hunkered down while he was gone and of course you always have to have one that doesn't listen, so we all sat terrified that some other raptor would pray on them but dad finally returned with no food but he did return.

Winter Park Osprey Nest

We have been following this little family since day one and happy to say that all 3 babies are doing great. So we got up and headed to the nest early this morning to see how the 3 babies are growing and they are growing fast.  We were a little disappointed that Mom and Dad don't seem to be feeding as often as what we think they should be feeding, (which means no in flight shots of Mom or Dad bringing in breakfast) again today we were there from 7am till 10am and no food, I guess Mom and Dad know what they are doing but us as humans don't agree.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Hi Mom

Hi Mom by dschmidtphoto
Hi Mom, a photo by dschmidtphoto on Flickr.
This baby was born we think Tuesday the 5th of April and mommy sure is a good mommy.
There is another baby but that one must have hatched a little later than this one as it is not as active yet.

Monday, April 4, 2011


03152011.jpg by dschmidtphoto
03152011.jpg, a photo by dschmidtphoto on Flickr.
This is an only child from the nest in DeBary, as cute as he or she is I'm sure Mom & Dad will really watch over it.


03152011-2.jpg by dschmidtphoto
03152011-2.jpg, a photo by dschmidtphoto on Flickr.

This is the Greenwood Owl. I love the way it blends right in with the tree.


_DLS4212.jpg by dschmidtphoto
_DLS4212.jpg, a photo by dschmidtphoto on Flickr.
This is a picture of a female Coyote that lives in the Greenwood Cemetary. This photo was taken a few weeks back sorry to say I haven't seen her lately. I have heard that a male has shown up so she may be busy, lol. Keep tuned in for possible cub shots in a few months.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

New to Blogging

I guess with the rain continuing I figured I would try to figure out what Blogging was all about and how to create a Blog page so so far so good, I think. LOL

Here is pic of my 2 little babies, they are teacup Yorkshire Terriers, they are my best models when it comes to experimenting with my photography.